
High energy.

High impact.

Are you planning a gathering of business owners and leaders?

Engage, inform, and empower your audience with Mile One founder Joel Swanson.

Joel delivers entertaining, actionable content designed for the fast minds of today's entrepreneurs.

"He had obvious passion for his message and a natural ability to connect with the audience and communicate his deep knowledge on all levels. I highly recommend Joel as a speaker!” 

~Floyd Wickman

National Speakers Association Hall of Fame Member

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

-Carl W. Buehner

Most Requested Topics:

  • 1.

    Inbox Chaos to Inbox Zero

Over the past 20 years Joel Swanson has developed the Insight Email System, which is set of simple, practical, and proven techniques for helping real people manage their email instead of having their email manage them.  In this workshop you will:

  • Understand the psychology behind email usage best practices
  • Learn simple tools and new habits
  • Discover time-saving features in Outlook unknown to the vast majority of people
  • Leave with simple, concrete plans you can execute the very next day

Joel is a proven teacher, facilitator, and coach with a passion for helping entrepreneurs and their leadership teams get more from their businesses.  He has helped help dozens of leadership teams simplify their visions, become more effective as leaders, and maximize the results their company achieves.

Testimonials from past attendees

“I went through the training a year ago and it's been revolutionary. And, nope, that's not too strong a word. For the first time in years I don't dread checking my email and I'm on top of what needs to be done. My sense of calm has been restored and my productivity has skyrocketed.”

~Stephanie Laitala-Rupp

President, Owl Bookkeeping and CFO Services

“I used to spend a huge amount of time doing email. I still get a ton of email, but with this system the amount of time I devote to email has been cut in half. Plus, I don’t drop balls anymore due to emails getting lost, and I still know what’s going on in my company.”

~Jim Fritz

President, The Wedding Shoppe

  • 2.

    What Hiking 2,658 Miles Taught Me About Business Leadership

    60 minute keynote address

The Pacific Crest Trail runs 2,658 miles all the way from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington. In April of 2009, Joel took a break from the consulting world and set out north from the Mexican border. Five months and six pairs of shoes later he arrived in Canada an exhausted, triumphant, changed person.

Being a natural learner and thinker, Joel’s business mind did not take a break during this hike, even though his career did. He learned many lessons on the trail that apply as directly to the business world, and knows that his current success as a Certified EOS Implementer is directly tied to how he learned and grew during that adventure. 

Attendees will learn how many of the challenges Joel faced translate to leading their own businesses, and will leave inspired to embrace the challenges and risks they encounter both personally and professionally.

Happy To Talk

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11-minute call

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